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How to Keep Your House Cool this Summer

Here are some simple tips and tricks to help you stay cool and comfortable in your home during the dog days of summer!

  1. Keep the sun out: This simple change seems so simple, but it will make a big difference! Close your shades to prevent direct sunlight from coming in. According to Family Handyman, up to 30% of unwanted heat comes through your windows.

  2. Close some vents: Closing vents in rooms that are naturally cooler (AKA- your basement) and other rooms that you aren’t regularly in, will force more cold air elsewhere in your home.

  3. Take advantage of a fan and ice: Putting a bowl of ice in front of a fan will chill the air being produced by the fan. It is a great trick to cool off quickly when coming inside from the hot outdoors.

  4. Change your bedding and clothing: Focus on cotton or dry wick fabrics. Check out buckwheat, cool foam, or gel pillows that won’t hold body heat like a conventional pillow.

  5. Re-set your fan, so it rotates counter-clockwise: Believe it or not, the counter-clockwise rotation creates a wind-chill breeze effect (Energy Star).

  6. Turn on your exhaust fan and bathroom fans: They may be a bit noisy, but they will pull the hot air out of your home.

  7. Light the grill: Avoid turning on the oven. If you are looking for other options besides the grill, try making a cold pasta salad or utilizing your crockpot.

  8. Make the switch to LED: Fluorescent light bulbs use 90% of their energy in the heat they emit (Center for Sustainable Energy). So if you haven’t made the switch to LED, there is no better time.

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